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Is this America? Shocking

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Topic: Is this America? Shocking
Posted By: abcdefg
Subject: Is this America? Shocking
Date Posted: February 06 2009 at 12:34am
Hey, I could not believe when I found this on line, can you imagine traveling with your kids or your elderly parents and having to do this, and something malfunctiioning?? FEMA If I have the misfortune to be involved in a disaster, I am going to be equally as afraid of them.  Read on and see what you think.

Want some torture with your peanuts?"> - Aviation Security ( - View Blog )

POSTED July 01 2008 2:18 PM BY - BLACK & DENNING

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By P. Jeffrey Black and Jeffrey Denning

Just when you thought you’ve heard it all...

A senior government official with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has expressed great interest in a so-called safety bracelet that would serve as a stun device, similar to that of a police Taser®. According to - this promotional video found at the Lamperd Less Lethal, Inc. website, the bracelet would be worn by all airline passengers (video also shown below).

This bracelet would:

• Take the place of an airline boarding pass

• Contain personal information about the traveler

• Be able to monitor the whereabouts of each passenger and his/her luggage

• Shock the wearer on command, completely immobilizing him/her for several minutes
The Electronic ID Bracelet, as it’s referred to, would be worn by every traveler “until they disembark the flight at their destination.”  Yes, you read that correctly. Every airline passenger would be tracked by a government-funded GPS, containing personal, private and confidential information, and would shock the customer worse than an electronic dog collar if the passenger got out of line.

Clearly the Electronic ID Bracelet is a euphemism for the EMD Safety Bracelet, or at least it has a nefarious hidden ability (thus the term ID Bracelet is ambiguous at best). EMD stands for Electro-Musclar Disruption. Again, according to the promotional video, the bracelet can completely immobilize the wearer for several minutes.

So is the government really that interested in this bracelet? 

Apparently so.

According to - this letter from DHS official, Paul S. Ruwaldt of the Science and Technology Directorate, office of Research and Development, which was written to the inventor whom he had previously met with, Ruwaldt wrote, “To make it clear, we [the federal government] are interested in . . . the immobilizing security bracelet, and look forward to receiving a written proposal.”

The letterhead, in case you were wondering, is from a U.S. Department of Homeland Security office at the - William J. Hughes Technical Center at the Atlantic City International Airport, or the Federal Aviation Administration headquarters.

In another part of the letter, Mr. Ruwaldt confirmed, “In addition, it is conceivable to envision a use to improve air security, on passenger planes.”

Would every paying airline passenger flying on a commercial airplane be mandated to wear one of these devices? I cringe at the thought. Not only could it be used as a physical restraining device, but also as a method of interrogation, according to the same aforementioned letter from Mr. Ruwaldt.

Would you let them put one of those on your wrist? Would you allow the airline employees, which would be mandated by the government, to place such a bracelet on any member of your family?

Why are tax dollars being spent on something like this?

Is this a police state or is this America?

Posted By: Truth
Date Posted: February 06 2009 at 6:44am
You know this is seriously f'd-up and i do think the US in turning into a more totalitarian society with big brother watching our every move and enforcing draconian measures.

Having said that, I travel ALOT and I HATE the US airport security. I hate having ignorant inner city ghetto kids driving me through security every time like some kind of cattle. If I didnt have to go through that type of security and they could just throw a bracelet on me and that would be it could make things much faster and easier. Of course thatt's not the point, first the airplanes and then in every day life. How about a chip built into you that does the same thing so you cant commit crimes? I'm sure the next steps would be something like that . . .

Posted By: Dr.Who
Date Posted: February 06 2009 at 5:42pm
The letter linked in this post said they were interested in having detainees wear it. Meaning if they moved a terrorist from, say, gitmo, to Oregon, that the terrorist would wear this while on the plane.

Having the technology available to the gov is scary but no where near as bad as what this at first seemed to be.

Posted By: Truth
Date Posted: February 06 2009 at 6:47pm
Dude, DR. WHO, Actually wants me to start reading post?! I generally never make it past the 1rst paragraph, hell in this case not even the headline.

Therefor I must change my answer. I think terrorist should wear devices that make their heads explode if they make any irrational movement on a flight. Just BANG! And having to sit through the crap we all collect $1000 in Sky Miles.

Whose with me here?!

Posted By: abcdefg
Date Posted: February 08 2009 at 7:40pm
These are the  quotes from the article.
The Electronic ID Bracelet, as it’s referred to, would be worn by every traveler “until they disembark the flight at their destination.”
Yes, you read that correctly. Every airline passenger would be tracked by a government-funded GPS, containing personal, private and confidential information, and would shock the customer worse than an electronic dog collar if the passenger got out of line.
I could easily see this as replacing gaurds and the extensive search policy on airlines that everyone complains about. As long as a traveler has this on, the airline personal could put down anyone who caused any trouble.
We hear about people getting angry on airplanes all the time. How long before it would be up to a flight attendent to use their judgement on whose bracelet was activated.
Often what the government says it will do with something, is not what it will end up doing with it. A prime example is the social security number, people were told over and over that the social security number would NEVER be used to identify them when the social security plan was started.  It was to be used for the collection , deposit and then distribution of funds.  How did that end up??  Who dosent have your SS number now?
If we are to survive we need to think out of the box.  The article clearly states that all would wear it. I would never expect the government to tell the population that it was planning on all people wearing this bracelet. there would be massive protest and out cry.  But, another thing to think of, not all prisoners end up being found guilty, we have all heard about  tasers being used on the innocent, and even guns. So it is very safe to assume that   this could be used on innocent people also. Considering that we have real tasers to use right now, and we can get  peoples  total  history on a small chip right now, so that they can be easily identified, with all their personal information available to the authorities with the touch of the finger to the mouse or celll phone. Why would we need this for prisoners? Seems we already have it.

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: February 08 2009 at 9:05pm
Hey, Socialists will like this idea and the Democrats are in office so this could happen. If President Obama thinks this is important like the Stimulus Package he will tell us that unless we wear this bracelet the world will fall apart.

Hold on folks the Liberals are in POWER!

Posted By: Truth
Date Posted: February 09 2009 at 1:14pm
Right Flumom, so youve been enjoying the eight years that Bush has been destroying our country?   You can lead a horse to water . . .

Posted By: Elver
Date Posted: February 09 2009 at 6:02pm
It's very simple, if they do this I'll just quit flying as would most people.  Let them try.

Posted By: Truth
Date Posted: February 09 2009 at 7:04pm
Elver, I hate flying that's why i'm stoked that Obama is sinking like 5 zillion dollars of stimulus into amtrack.

Funny coincidence. You know Buffer and big O are buds and buffet just invested a fortune in railroad.

Hmmm, what could they be up to?   Bullet train? NY to LA in 10 hrs?

Posted By: Truth
Date Posted: February 09 2009 at 7:05pm
Actually Elver, I would like to take a nuclear tipped bullet train and ram that mofo right into the heart of Pakistan!   IRONY! That would be sheer irony. Pack it on the India Rail. theyd love it! Those guys hate muslims! You saw Slumdog didnt you?

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